ISO 45001:2018 – Auditor Migration Training courseإدارة الصحة والسلامة / ISO 45001:2018 – Auditor Migration Training course
تاريخ بدء الدورة : July 21-2024 |
تاريخ انتهاء الدورة : July 24-2024 |
معلومات عن المدرب : مهندس سعد حمد |
تكلفة الدورة : 0.00$ |
عدد الأماكن المتاحة : 6 من 12 |
العنوان : اربيل - امباير بزنس تاور - ت 4 - الطابق 11 - مكتب 7 |

توفر دورات التدريب الانتقالي المعرفة بالتغييرات التي تطرأ على معيار ISO المعدل ومهارات المراجعة مقابل المعيار المعدل. يوصى به للمهنيين العاملين في المنظمات المعتمدة لمعيار ISO الذي تم تعديله أو أولئك الذين يتطلعون إلى العمل بمعيار معدل حديثًا.
المدة : 14 ساعة
من يمكنه الحضور؟
- All managers and key personnel in the organisation who have responsibilities for specific OH&S issues.
- Personnel who provide strategic input into the OH&S management system (specialist contractors, occupational health staff, design engineers etc.)
- Legal advisors and experts
- Other staff who might be involved in the implementation or the auditing of a OH&S management system (e.g. QMS, EMS project managers and auditors)
On completion, successful delegates will have the knowledge needed to:
- Explain the purpose of an occupational health and safety management system, of occupational health and safety management system standards, and the business benefits of improved performance of the occupational health & safety management system.
- Outline the structure and content of ISO 45001.
- Explain the specific occupational health & safety management system related requirements of ISO 45001.
- The general requirements of OH&S management systems, with specific reference to ISO 45001:2018
- Risk assessments and evaluation of legislative compliance
- Establishing objectives and monitoring improvements
- Basic requirements of ISO 45001
- Health & safety hazards, risk assessment and risk controls Legislation
- Implementation issues & initiating an OH&S MS