Depatment International Arbitration and International Law
International law:
set of legal rules that largely consist of the principles and rules that control the conduct of the state and be obliged to observe them, and therefore respect them in
Their mutual relationships which also include: rules
Legal ...more

Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
The specialization "International and Diplomatic Relations" is concerned with the study of all relations that bind all countries . This field is interesting to study, as it is a mixture resulting from the integration of economics, politics and law at ...more

Department of Law - Criminal Law
The Criminal Law is a branch of the science of law, which is concerned with identifying mechanisms for combating crimes against social security, which determines permissible and prohibited acts, and imposes legal punishment on any violation of any le ...more

Department of Law - Organized Crime
Organized crime has become a major concern, and it seems to be on the rise. Organized crime networks are multibillion-dollar industries, have connections around the world, and their activities may not be clear to the general public, so we designed th ...more

The Constitutional law
Constitutional law is a set of principles, provisions and rules that relate to the foundations upon which the state is built, as well as the organization of governance and its conduct within it. These principles, rules and provisions constitute the m ...more