Computer SkillsIT Services Management / Computer Skills

who should attend?
A mastering course in computer and Microsoft Office principles, directed to All.
The course aims to provide participants with basic skills and introductory information for computer use and its applications, whether the advanced trainees are studying at school, university, or employees. Microsoft Word software, preparing spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases, Internet and e-mail, and IT security.
• Shortcuts Techniques:
The top short cuts, both basic and hidden, that work all the way across Office.
• Navigation & Selection Shortcuts
Handy shortcuts specific to navigation and selecting.
• Ribbon & Quick Access Toolbar
Customize the Ribbon & Quick Access Toolbar across Office.
• Creating and Using Templates
Save time and work by leveraging templates already created for you. Then, save your new
template. Create your own templates to save even more time.
• Outlook Search Folders
Sorting your email in smarter ways in Outlook. Create automatic searches that run by
• Outlook Rules and Quicksteps
Manage your email by setting special rules and by applying Quick-Step common organizing
rules to already received email.
• Creating a Chart Template
Create a special kind of chart that is inserted based on your data. Then insert the chart
whenever it makes sense with one key-stroke!
• Inserting Subtotals in Excel
Create quick and easy summaries automatically with Automatic Subtotals. Big time saver!
• Recording and Macros
Record long or complicated multi-step processes, and perform them with one keystroke!
• Slide Masters
Learn how to control and configure PowerPoint's most advanced feature, Slide Masters!