Design training systems and strategic review of training processesHuman Resource Management / Design training systems and strategic review of training processes

  Start : May 16-2021
  End : May 19-2021
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 650.00$
  No. Of Places : 4 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Design training systems and strategic review of training processes
Job training is an ongoing process through which an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them, a process that enhances the employee's future value, opportunities, constraints, options, and consequences; To achieve a specific career goal, career planning is not something that happens once or twice in one career. It is a continuous process of assessing one's professional identity, setting new learning goals, creating new career insights, celebrating achievements as one develops and becomes more skilled, and career planning encourages individuals to explore and gather information, which enables them to synthesize and gain competencies, make decisions, set goals and take action. It is a crucial stage for human resource development that helps employees develop a work-life balance strategy.

who should attend?


Managers of career development and manpower planning and personnel affairs, managers of departments and heads of training and human resources development departments and candidates for these positions.



To give trainees an idea of ​​information systems and the stages of development and design according to the relational model.

Develop the skills of participants in understanding the relational database management tools MS-ACCESS and provide them with practical skills in the development of databases.

Enable trainees to deal with MS-ACCESS relational database management tools and provide them with practical skills in database development.



The concept of information technology.

Achieving competitive advantage of information technology.

Pursue change in technology systems.

Looking at the right information technology for your organization.

Preparation of IT staff.

Information systems.

Physical components.

Software components.

Organize the data ..

Management software package ..

HR software package ..

Strategy for preparing training plans.

Training Information System: Contents, Design and Specifications.

Methods of performing work in training departments and linking them to ICT.

Measuring the productivity of training using information technology.

Databases of training institutions and ways to build them.

Training Databases.

Fundamentals of information systems and their role in developing the training process.

Data collection, analysis and modeling.

Create a database and create tables.

Data validation verification.

Query data in one table and in more than one table.

Perform calculations in the MS-ACCESS program.

Use data protection and integration tools.

Data Retrieval.

Create forms and reports.

Work with the MS-Office Toolbox.

Fundamentals of information systems and their role in developing the management process.

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )