Executive skills, analytical mind, critical thinking and creative senseLeadership Development / Executive skills, analytical mind, critical thinking and creative sense
Start : May 28-2021 |
End : May 31-2021 |
Trainer : Eng.Saad hamad |
Course Fee : 600.00$ |
No. Of Places : 0 Of 12 |
Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. |

who should attend?
Managers of departments and holders of administrative, executive and advisory positions and heads of departments and their level in all different organizations and institutions.
Review the executive qualities of a successful manager.
Assess the basic needs of employees and their superiors in the workplace.
Train participants on skills of analysis and mental detail.
Practical comparison between critical thinking and creative sense skills and projecting that on job performance skills.
Study the different types of personalities and their impact on the executive skills of the functional leaders.
Performance Reflection of Success in Life:
Meaning of functional excellence.
Expected career paths and access to the executive field.
The stages of self-development and its relationship to job performance.
Mental activity and its impact on functional competence.
Analytical reasoning skills compared to creative skills.
The second unit: Types of employees between creativity and auditing:
Different types of employees within the same workplace.
The characteristics of professional executive management and how to reach them.
The nature of the internal interaction between different types of employees.
How to achieve administrative efficiency on different types of personalities.
Skills of character analysis and understanding of the natures of employees.
Third Unit:Mental skills of functional leaders:
Recognize and master analytical mind skills.
Applied Training:
Concept search skills.
Theory Skills.
Training on analytical thinking for artistic creation.
The fourth unit: Mental skills of functional leaders: (2)
Recognize and master critical thinking skills.
Practice the concept of decision-making and its relationship to critical thinking.
Applied Training:
Set career goals.
Systematic planning of the executive stages.
Professional delegation skills and the nature of administrative orders.
The importance of setting physical objectives and procedural plans for employees.
Module 5:Mental skills of functional leaders: (2)
Compare previous types of thinking with the nature of creative thinking.
Practice creative sense skills and their reflection on successful management leadership.
Applied Training:
Define long-term strategic objectives.
Skills to set group goals to the attention of teams.
How to evaluate the facts and selection of assistants and identify the nature of employees.
The importance of setting physical objectives and procedural plans for employees.