Procurement and Logistics ManagementPurchases & Warehouses / Procurement and Logistics Management
Start : July 27-2024 |
End : July 31-2024 |
Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad |
Course Fee : 800.00$ |
No. Of Places : 5 Of 12 |
Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. |

who should attend?
Employees who are competent in the departments of procurement, needs, logistics and catering in ministries, institutions, authorities, companies, different departments, banks and others.
Chairmen and members of the envelope opening committees and tenders decision committees in the entities described above.
Secretaries of tenders and auctions committees.
Employees in contract departments.
Advisers and legal scholars and legal departments.
Personnel departments of sales and marketing departments.
Project Management Specialists.
Employees in warehouse and warehouse departments.
Specialists in the departments of administrative affairs.
Chairmen and members of committees, which constitute acts of tenders and procurement.
Preparation for tenders and bids.
How to prepare the bid requirements and specifications before tendering.
Legal aspects to be taken into account when preparing the bid.
Previous pre-trial proceedings on the tendering process.
Previous restrictions on the completion of the contract SPV.
Study seven contracting methods for the purchase of movable or contractor Owalkhaddmh.
Full knowledge of practical problems and methods of solving them before and after the completion of the process.
How to manage purchases from abroad and legal aspects.
Legal aspects relating to the submission and the withdrawal, modification and inspection and awarded the tender.
International rules for tenders and bids in accordance with the provisions of international law.
Tender Definition.
Types of tenders.
Principles of Public Tender.
Procedural stages of public tender.
The legal nature of the bid.
Stage tender governance progress of legal proceedings.
Controls governing the model of giving.
Legal provisions for bank guarantees associated with the tender.
Final insurance and its provisions.
Procedural aspects of opening envelopes
Typical method of work of the envelope opening committee.
Terms of reference for envelope opening committees.
Dump technical and financial offers.
Sort sampling procedures and legal responsibility for them.
Tenders Committee.
Composition and method of work of the Committee.
Terms of reference and powers of the decision committee.
Tender cancellation cases.
The legal implications of the tender is canceled.