Professional Financial AccountingAccounting / Professional Financial Accounting
Start : October 11-2021 |
End : October 15-2021 |
Trainer : Smart Trainer |
Course Fee : 850.00$ |
No. Of Places : 0 Of 12 |
Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. |

who should attend?
Individuals who are non-accountants and wishing to enter the accounting field
Graduates of the Faculty of Commerce wishing to gain practical experiences
Accountants interested in professional and practical experiences
Defendants in increasing their knowledge of accounting
In this program we help you to be a professional accountant, the program also includes practical training on book entry, along with giving a review of all forms of books and how to prepare financial statements and analysis, in addition to intensive lectures in the Excel program and how to use it to do all stages of the accounting cycle.
Also, The aim of the program is to gain practical experience, not only the information and theoretical concepts that you studied throughout the training program, by which you will be able to work as an accountant in companies, and you will be guided and helped as if you are actually in the job, which provides you more practical experience in accounting.
First Level
It aims to qualify the student in terms of accounting and practical training on the book entry and review all forms of notebooks, and this stage includes :
- A special lecture for non-accountants to qualify them with the basic concepts of accounting world
- Identify the most important accounting principles and assumptions recognized
- Identify the accounting cycle in all its details
- Double Entry - Ledger Account - Trial Balance - Financial Statements
- Preparation of financial statements of companies
- Objectives of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
- Structure and contents of financial statements
- Prepare financial statements of companies in accordance with International Accounting Standards
- Designing the documentary course for business companies
- Sales invoices
- Cash Receipts & Checks - Cash Receipts & Checks
- Add order and disbursement to stock
- Design of the book cycle using the American method
- The design of the carrying cycle using the French method
- Journals help
- Assistant Professor Account
- General Ledger Account
- General Yuan Book
- Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
- Horizontal analysis
- Vertical analysis
- Analysis using financial ratios
- The most important types of taxes and how to prepare tax reports
- sales tax
- Tax upstream tax
- Income tax
- Prepare inventory adjustments for some financial operations
- Inventory adjustments to nominal accounts - expenses and revenues
- Inventory adjustments for inventory calculation under periodic and continuous inventory method
- Inventory adjustments for bank account
- Treasury inventory adjustments
- Inventory Adjustments of Fixed Assets "Calculation of Depreciation and Sale of Assets and Reassessment of the useful Life of an Asset"
Second Level
- Electronic accounting or computer accounting
- Accounting is studied through the Excel program and how to work all stages of the book cycle, which was studied in the book part of the session and all the tasks of a successful accountant through the program Excel
- Automated financial design using Excel software, includes:
- The carrying group using the French method
- The carrying group using the American method
- Preparation of the trial balance
Third Level
- Workshop in Accounting - Practical Training in Accounting and Finance
The workshop in the field of accounting is a practical training and applied to what you learned during your study in the course of professional financial accountant represented in realistic cases using real invoices, receipts and checks belonging to an existing company. The company will not only look at the process of recording documents in the books but will show you some accounting errors where you make their own adjustments, and you will be asked to issue financial statements. This company has been prepared by you under the supervision of its financial manager