The art of managing warehouses according to international quality curriculaPurchases & Warehouses / The art of managing warehouses according to international quality curricula
Start : June 21-2021 |
End : June 25-2021 |
Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad |
Course Fee : 800.00$ |
No. Of Places : 6 Of 12 |
Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. |

who should attend?
Employees who are competent in the departments of procurement, needs, logistics and catering in ministries, institutions, authorities, companies, different departments, banks and others.
Chairmen and members of the envelope opening committees and tenders decision committees in the entities described above.
Secretaries of tenders and auctions committees.
Employees in contract departments.
Advisers and legal scholars and legal departments.
Personnel departments of sales and marketing departments.
Project Management Specialists.
Employees in warehouse and warehouse departments.
Specialists in the departments of administrative affairs.
Chairmen and members of committees, which constitute acts of tenders and procurement.
Developing the skills of planning, organizing and following up the supplies, organizing the warehouse and applying the computer in a way that achieves the speed and accuracy of the procurement, storage, exchange, inventory and identification of stagnant items and their disposal.
Providing participants with the scientific and practical bases for warehouse management
Develop the skills of participants in warehouse planning and control processes
Prepare warehouse management to comply with ISO 2000 requirements
Planning and securing supplies, materials and work supplies. · Apply differentiation, qualification and evaluation methods to suppliers.
Negotiate with suppliers. · Preparing and writing tenders and concluding contracts.
Prepare suppliers' databases electronically. · Warehouse planning and organization.
Apply inventory control methods. · Determine the economic size of the purchase.
Preparation of policies and methods of disposal of stagnant. · Preparing electronic tables for the items stored in the warehouse.
Monitor supplies and prepare supplier reports using the computer.
Dealing with warehouse data electronically (inbound - outbound - outbound - credit - .....).
CNC Inventory Control.
Warehouse management function, objectives and economics.
Inventory Planning.
Storage levels
Inventory planning and control systems.
Specify the minimum, redial, and upper limit
Determine the economic size of the purchase payment.
The role of the unified accounting system in controlling inventory
Warehouse Reports.
Items may be damaged in warehouses or custody.
Behavioral skills of warehouse workers.
Storage .. Fields, methods and policies.
Types of inventory, classification and coding.
Maintain inventory and maintain its properties.
Skills and competencies of warehouse officials.
Types of warehouses, organization and internal equipment.
Administrative organization of warehouses and their relationship with other departments.
Handling and tools - Classification - Stacking - Security factors - Safety in warehouses.
Documentary course for warehouses.