VAT - Value Added TaxAccounting / VAT - Value Added Tax
Start : September 28-2021 |
End : September 30-2021 |
Trainer : Smart Trainer |
Course Fee : 675.00$ |
No. Of Places : 0 Of 12 |
Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. |

A training course aims to develop the skills of calculating VAT on goods and services, along with preparing annual adjustments with the different methods of calculating VAT and reviewing all the articles of the VAT law
who should attend?
Accounting managers, financial auditors, auditors, tax consultants, taxpayers, all those involved in industrial and commercial activities, business development managers, and professionals interested in accounting and finance.
A training course aims to train participants on the skills of calculating VAT on goods and services, along with developing the skills of preparing the annual settlements.
- What is VAT
- VAT law and its applications in Egypt
- VAT law and its applications in Saudi Arabia
- VAT law and its applications in the United Arab Emirates
- VAT Law and its Applications in Kuwait
- Taxable goods and services
- VAT price
- VAT registration limit
- Non-taxable cases
- Assessed tax exemptions
- Methods of calculating VAT
- Determine the negatives and benefits covered by the tax
- Accounting entries for VAT registrars
- Practical applications