
Hamed Alloush
Physical education & Therapeutic nutrition
Department of Physical Education
Dr. Hisham BoHous
Security studies and organized crime
Department of Law - Organized Crime
Eng. Fouad T. Mohammed
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical science
Ahmed nour Aldeen
Department of Tourism
Ahmed Abd AL_Kader
Human Resource Management
Department of Human Resources Management
Dr. Nibal Al-Dabiyat
Waste management, Environmental Aspects and Impacts)
Department of Business Consulting
Mr. Yamen Allosh
Training of Trainers (ToT)
Department of Business Consulting
Mr. Ayman Mohammad
Computer science
Department of Computers Science
Engineer Khaled Jamal Obaid
Training of Trainors - TOT
Training, Awareness, implementation of internal audit for standard ISO 9001:2015

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