Business Management

Dapartment Business Adminstration

Dapartment Business Adminstration

The business department is known as a specialty that reflects processes, activities, tasks, and things that regulate businesses of all kinds such as the business of companies, institutions, and organizations. These work include oversight, planning, ...more
Business Administration Department - Accounting and Auditing

Business Administration Department - Accounting and Auditing

Accounting is defined as a tool for measuring financial activity For organizations, to reach results and information about the expected costs, expected expenses, estimate of profits, clarify the value and nature of the resources available in the fa ...more
Department of Human Resources Management

Department of Human Resources Management

Human resources are defined as processes that organize, direct, plan and monitor all personnel affairs for their development and maintenance. The specialization of human resources is the basis of any company, where it focuses on recruitment and info ...more
Department of Business Consulting

Department of Business Consulting

Business consulting has become an important and growing role in helping executive management deal with innovation and change problems. This program will help you discover how to be a successful consultant, focusing on the basic skills required of you ...more
Department of Integrated Quality Management System

Department of Integrated Quality Management System

It is necessary to have an integrated management system that manages your organization, and deals with all your goals at the same time, as quality is a common standard and denominator of products and services, maintaining high standards faces difficu ...more
Training,  Awareness,  implementation of  internal  audit for standard ISO 9001:2015

Training, Awareness, implementation of internal audit for standard ISO 9001:2015

This course is designed to teach you how to perform an internal audit of your companies own Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 19011:2018. It also covers the role of the internal auditor in the development and improvement of an effectiv ...more
Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

The concept of supply chains is an old concept that has evolved over the years with the difference and evolution of the surrounding environment and technology. Supply chain management has become indispensable due to continuous innovation in technolog ...more
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