Advanced management skills for administrative assistantsHuman Resource Management / Advanced management skills for administrative assistants

  Start : October 26-2021
  End : October 29-2021
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 550.00$
  No. Of Places : 5 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Advanced management skills for administrative assistants
Administrative assistants play a key role in the organization's hierarchical system and are therefore influential in strengthening the role of senior management in achieving its strategic vision. These are the cornerstone in accomplishing administrative tasks that impact business growth, maximize profitability and increase productivity. This course will enable you to deal with VIPs, learn from them, practice some of their activities, simulate some of their successful methods and learn about their advanced performance patterns and techniques. Advanced Management Skills for Administrative Assistants takes participants on an enjoyable learning journey from understanding personal patterns and individual management and their impact to the power of influence and personal dynamics through dialogue, negotiation, and stress management techniques to take your career to a higher level of professionalism.

who should attend?


Administrative assistants who perform more complex work with senior executives.



To provide professional methods of how to take more responsibility for managing executive work.

The course is designed for assistants who wish to develop their managerial and personal skills to make them a key partner in strategic business from an administrative perspective.

Through a large number of problem-solving activities and exercises.

And develop practical skills such as methods of persuasion and influence.

Communication skills, negotiation, conflict resolution, and project management planning.



Value Compatibility (Battle of Behavior).

Successful managerial strategies.

Avoid pain and gain pleasure.

Recognize the difference between excuses and objections.

Recognize the difference between solutions and agreements.

Recognize the difference between persuasion and the media.

Important values ​​in your life.

Management concepts and project management.

The basic elements of effective planning.

How to prepare for successful meetings and organize time.

Dealing with time thieves.

Elements of an effective plan.

Timeline schedules.

Productivity pyramid.

Matrix of priorities.

weekly plan.

Daily Business List.

Management by Objectives.

how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )