Advanced Strategies for Human Resources ManagerHuman Resource Management / Advanced Strategies for Human Resources Manager

  Start : May 03-2021
  End : May 06-2021
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 600.00$
  No. Of Places : 6 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Advanced Strategies for Human Resources Manager
Proactive management of the employees of a company or organization. Strategic human resource management includes typical human resource components such as hiring, discipline, and payroll, and also involves working with employees in a collaborative manner to boost retention, improve the quality of the work experience, and maximize the mutual benefit of employment for both the employee and the employer.

who should attend?


Managers and heads of Human Resources and Personnel Departments.

Employees of Human Resources and Personnel Departments and Departments.

Employees and managers of departments and departments of the organization.

Interview and employment committees.




This course seeks to shed light based on administrative excellence, innovation, and creativity in development and management planning in modern organizations, with the presentation of experiences and requirements in developed countries in the field of innovation, creativity, and innovation and discuss development projects submitted by the participants in the course.



Attributes and challenges of the era of globalization and its impact on the management of organizations:

Characteristics of the era of globalization and its impact on organizations.

Technological, economic, cultural and social challenges.

Future vision in light of the challenges of the globalization era.

Keys to global manager.

Human resources management and its role in the context of globalization:

Human Resources Management Objectives.

Tasks of human resources management.

Challenges facing human resources management.

The role of human resources management in the context of globalization.

Planning and developing the career path of human resources:

The importance of career planning in organizations

Key variables affecting career path planning

Responsibility for career planning.

Methods used to discover career paths.

Track maps or staff ladder.

Career Path Management.

Strategic Human Resources Management and Administrative and Organizational Development:

The importance of strategic management of human resources.

Administrative development and its elements in modern organizations.

Objectives of administrative development.

Methods and methods of administrative development.

Organizational development and its objectives.

Key Approaches to Organizational Development.

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )