AOSH – Certified Master Trainer Course HEALTH, SAFETY , ENVIRONEMENTAL AOSH TrainerHealth & Safety Management / AOSH – Certified Master Trainer Course HEALTH, SAFETY , ENVIRONEMENTAL AOSH Trainer

  Start : August 25-2021
  End : August 30-2021
  Trainer : Saad Mazin
  Course Fee : 275.00$
  No. Of Places : 0 Of 20
  Location : Only Online Video Conference Available –ZOOM

AOSH – Certified Master Trainer Course
The AOSH UK Certified Master Trainer (Train the Trainer) Certificate content is practical and grounded in the real world, not just academic theory. This program focuses on what happens before, during, and after you deliver training, and what to do if training is not the right solution. Learner feedback indicates high value in the following areas: student engagement, expert facilitation and applicable tools and techniques.

who should attend?

For all Manpower for general industries and construction and oil and
gas and students .


Health & Safety Management


This program is ideal for new or experienced trainers who have not had
formal education in training. It is also for those trainers who need a refresher to improve their
classroom techniques and methods to transfer learning to work situations.
AOSH UK Train the Trainer programs are designed primarily for learning professionals – trainers,
instructional designers, and organizational development practitioners – but would also benefit anyone
within an organization who is responsible for developing others, from managers to human resources

how can we help you?


Apply Now

(Professional Master & Doctorate )