Body language course and its importance in communicating with othersInstitutional Development / Body language course and its importance in communicating with others

  Start : July 12-2024
  End : July 15-2024
  Trainer : Eng.Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 650.00$
  No. Of Places : 8 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Body language course and its importance in communicating with others
The ability to understand body language is a powerful skill that will help you interpret what people are saying unconsciously. Known as "non-verbal communication", body language represents 55% of person-to-person communications, so learning how to use it and read it will give you a real advantage in improving your ability to communicate with others both in the workplace and at home.

who should attend?


  • Business people
  • Executives
  • Job seekers
  • CEOs
  • Aspiring CEOs
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Consultants
  • Authors
  • Freelancers
  • Business Owners



This course will enable participants to:

  1. To make participants understand the role of communication in personal and professional life.
  2. To be able to gain the use of communication strategies they must obtain the skills of reading others´ body language.
  3. To learn to listen actively to the communication process.
  4. To be present in the here and now with both body and mind in a communication situation.
  5. To master the making of a great first impression through the use of body and voice.
  6. Reading body language will be through learning to understand the meaning of approximate, individual orientation, facial expressions, physical contacts(touch), eye contact, gestures, posture, voice and individual adaptors.
  7. Deal with different types of communication, such as active communication, passive communication, assertive communication and aggressive communication.



  • Communicating with Your Body
  • How to Read Body Language
  • Nonverbal Signals
  • Facial Expressions
  • Using Body Language
  • Match Your Words with Your Body
  • Becoming Aware of Your Signals
  • Communicating with Confidence

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )