Fatigue management and safe driving journeySafety / Fatigue management and safe driving journey

  Start : July 20-2024
  End : July 22-2024
  Trainer : Eng.Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 0.00$
  No. Of Places : 5 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Fatigue management and safe driving journey
Every driver, is required to take regular fit-for-purpose driver training, including the use of driving simulators and driver-improvement monitors to provide real-time in-vehicle feedback on driving performance. In addition, shares its driving and road safety expertise through its educational outreach program

who should attend?


Initial | Advanced | Mission Training

ECO Driving

Persons with Reduced Mobility

Safe Driving in Risky Situations

Two Wheels Vehicles Safe Driving & Risk Prevention



We global journey management centers support drivers during each journey and reinforce safe driving behaviors. In-vehicle technology enables the centers to monitor driving behavior in real-time and provide immediate feedback on driver performance. The journey management centers perform data analytics to better understand driver behaviors to continuously improve driving safety initiatives.



We need to ultimately eliminate driving related accidents that

cause fatalities and injuries to employees, contractors and third parties and minimize damage to equipment through careful management of all phases of the transportation process.

The result of this training program is to have our staff better prepared to safely deal with unplanned events/circumstances during routine trips that may occur. This includes:

 Identifying and managing hazards and unnecessary exposure through active journey management Preventing and mitigating the risk through the proper selection and preparation of people, vehicles, equipment and routes.


how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )