lead auditor course for HACCP systemFood Safety / lead auditor course for HACCP system

  Start : July 10-2024
  End : July 14-2024
  Trainer : Dr. Tarek Al-Khouly
  Course Fee : 100.00$
  No. Of Places : 3 Of 12

lead auditor course for HACCP system
This training course focuses on how organizations can conduct food safety management system verification activity base on auditing the Codex HACCP, CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev 4-2003, the HACCP principles within an organization, and understand how an organization can use its internal auditing tools to strengthen their food safety risk management system, utilize its resources for continuous improvement.

who should attend?

- Any individuals completed the Food GMP introduction training and /or HACCP introduction training and who requires knowledge on auditing of a HACCP system

- Any individual who will become an internal auditor and will conduct audits against HACCP requirement

- Management who want to get maximum benefit on the verification activity of the HACCP system

- Those who would like to implement a HACCP system in their organization


- Learn how to execute a completed internal audit

- Understand the requirements of Codex GMP and HACCP by revised again the elements of the Codex HACCP, CAC/RCP 1-1969, rev 4-2003 and Annex

- How to improve the performance of the food safety system 

- Establish the importance of hazard documentation

- Overview of assessment and certification procedures



how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )