Office safety and ergonomicsSafety / Office safety and ergonomics

  Start : July 05-2024
  End : July 07-2024
  Trainer : Eng.Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 0.00$
  No. Of Places : 4 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Office safety and ergonomics
Ergonomics” is the science of designing the workstation to fit within the capabilities and limitations of the worker. The goal of office ergonomics is to design your office work station so that it fits you and allows for a comfortable working environment for maximum productivity and efficiency.

who should attend?


Workers and supervisors, whether experienced or new to modern office work

Health and Safety Professionals

Human Resource Experts



The goal of ergonomics is to reduce injuries and illnesses caused by stress and strain on the job. Ergonomics helps keep you safe and healthy.

Ergonomics involves engineering and administrative controls. For example, office ergonomics may include engineering or designing the layout of your computer workstation so that your exposure to ergonomic risks is reduced. The way or sequence in which a task is performed may also be changed to help reduce risk factors.



Learn the principles of ergonomics and their applications.

Learn about the proper use of equipment, tools, and machine controls.

Use good work practices, including proper lifting techniques.

Become more aware of work tasks that may lead to pain or injury.

Recognize early symptoms of MSDs.

Understand the importance of reporting and addressing early indications of MSDs before serious injuries develop.

how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )