Performance Evaluation and Determination of Career and Training PathHuman Resource Management / Performance Evaluation and Determination of Career and Training Path

  Start : October 23-2021
  End : October 25-2021
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 450.00$
  No. Of Places : 5 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Performance Evaluation and Determination of Career and Training Path
Human performance is the driving force of all available resources within an organization. It is difficult to measure and assess due to the difference that this element has from one individual to another, from one job to another, from one organization to another and also from time to time. Focusing on, developing, developing and empowering individuals within the organization leads to continuous improvement in performance and quality, thereby increasing the organization's market share and enhancing its competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. This program is an attempt to identify the criteria and indicators of measuring human performance in business organizations and to provide methods for performance development.

who should attend?


Managers and department heads.

Human Resources Department staff.

Those interested in training and employment.




Acquire the ability of participants to develop human resources.

Learn about the latest mechanisms of human resources work methods and identify best practices in training and human resources.

Providing participants with basic information about training management.

Change the attitudes of participants towards the training process to convince them of the importance of this function and the need to implement the various stages.

Acquire the participants with the skills of performance evaluation and high-quality performance.

Design programs and training centers in a sound scientific manner.



The concept of oversight and its importance.

Methods and types of quality control.

Stages of the control process.

Modern methods of selection of regulatory standards.

Psychological and behavioral aspects associated with the control function.

Characteristics of an effective control system.

Forecasting of human resources.

Ways of dealing with the demand and supply of labor in cases of surplus and deficit.

The merits to determine the kinds of jobs required.

Use the criteria of credibility and consistency in the selection of employees.

Analysis gauges the yield of employment.

Standards for measuring productivity and cost for employees.

Developed ways to measure the rotation rate of employment.

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )