Personality patterns and employment in human resource managementInstitutional Development / Personality patterns and employment in human resource management

  Start : July 16-2024
  End : July 18-2024
  Trainer : Eng.Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 650.00$
  No. Of Places : 5 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Personality patterns and employment in human resource management
Our experts have designed these courses to match your needs and take your career to the next level. Our main goal is to deliver quality. This course is one of a kind due to its focus on many fundamental topics that contribute in the success of business. It will discuss HR as part of the business, the importance of change recruitment and selection process, performance and attitude management and outsourcing in addition to many other topics. Remember that creating a good culture for your employees makes them increases their performance and their confident.

who should attend?


Professionals Or Supervisors Taking Responsibility Of  HR Or Personnel Performance.

HR Officers Or Personnel Generalists.

Researchers And Interested Candidates In  HR Topics.

Newly Hired HR Professionals Who Seek Refreshment.

Team Leaders Who Wish To Improve Their Management Strategies InHR Field.



At the end of this course , participants will be able to :

Appreciate The Role HR Plays In Increasing The Effectiveness Of The Organization.

The Value Of The Ripple Effect Of A Good HR Management On The Achievement Of The Organizational Goals.

Understand The Importance Of Continuous Learning And Development For The Organization In All Management Levels.

Describe What Are The Characteristics Needed In A Successful HR Specialist.

Become A Better Leader By Having A Better Communication Skills With The Employees.



HR Evolution From Tactical To Strategic.

HR Roles Clear Definition.

Personal Organization System.

HR Business Partners.

HR And Strategy Formulation.

how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )