Recent Trends in the Development of Higher Education and Methods of Measurement and Evaluation ThereinHuman Resource Management / Recent Trends in the Development of Higher Education and Methods of Measurement and Evaluation Therein

  Start : October 19-2024
  End : October 22-2024
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 400.00$
  No. Of Places : 6 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Recent Trends in the Development of Higher Education and Methods of Measurement and Evaluation Therein
This course aims to develop the human resources to inform the participants of the advanced performance and excellent management to develop your institutions and provide knowledge to the participants, along with providing skills, and trends to improve their performance in both practical and scientific terms and develop their competencies in improving the performance assigned to them effectively and efficiently.

who should attend?


Holders of administrative positions at universities

Academic staff

Lecturers and their assistants in public and private universities.



Improving the level of internal and external efficiency of the education institutions.

Defining the goals of university education and the executive mechanisms to achieve them.

Improving the outcomes of higher education institutions

Description of scientific courses and methods of measurement and scaling in them.

Improve the learning environment


The culture of strategies and its benefits on the academic teaching.

Description of university courses.

Methods of measurement and evaluation of university courses

Quality standards and follow-up to the development of university education.

Planning for the development of human resources to improve the educational environment.

Planning for the development of financial resources for university education.

Research and development centers.

Obstacles to the quality of university education.

Global trends affecting university education and ways to improve.

Internal and external efficiency of university education institutions.

Educational environment according to the latest technology and modern programs.

Postgraduate reality and development requirements.

Information technology and modern means in the service of the educational messages.

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )