TOT - Training of TrainersOffice Management / TOT - Training of Trainers

TOT - Training of Trainers
This program aims to qualify the participants scientifically and skillfully and provide them with the knowledge, skills and practical experience necessary to work as professional trainers who have the ability to provide high-quality and efficient training programs and provide information in an easy, simple and practical way that ensures the achievement of training objectives.

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The first axis: Training in the third millennium

    Job concept of training
    Training methodology in modern
    The difference between education, training and development
    A look at the training schools
    Basic Concepts of Training
    The mechanism of training and its scientific and practical steps

The second axis: the professional coach

    Training hall management skills
    Presentation and presentation skills
    charisma coach
    Facing training room problems
    The skill of diversifying training methods
    Managing group training activities
    Training program time management
    Trainer's self-assessment training

The third axis: training design

    TNA Training Needs Analysis
    Defining and formulating training objectives according to the needs of the institution
    Preparing and preparing the scientific material
    Types of training methods and how to choose the optimal training method
    The difference between aids and training aids

Fourth Axis: Trainees

    Understand and analyze the learning styles of trainees
    Involve the trainees in the training process
    Managing critical situations in training
    Ability to evaluate trainees

The fifth axis: e-training

    A brief overview of e-training.
    Managing the scientific material in the electronic hall
    Managing the training program in the electronic hall.
    Appropriate strategies in e-training.

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )