Executive Secretarial & Office ManagementOffice Management / Executive Secretarial & Office Management

  Start : October 13-2024
  End : October 15-2024
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 550.00$
  No. Of Places : 5 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Executive Secretarial & Office Management
Executive Secretarial Management. Executive Secretarial / Office Administration is a Business Education subject concerned with the study of administrative principles, policies, procedures and technological competencies governing the modern office environment.

who should attend?


Managers of executive offices

the Secretary

Workers in the field of administrative and financial affairs



At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

Full knowledge of modern office work and development of secretarial skills

Identify electronic management and its concept.

Modern Secretariat: Knowledge of the work of the main offices.

Gain the skills of a successful secretary.

Apply presentation skills and use assistive technology.

Apply the basics of information security and confidentiality in daily business.

Apply time management principles

Practical applications in electronic archiving and archiving.

Office work machine through: -

Modern communication management and its most important programs.

Communication obstacles in the field of secretarial and ways to overcome them.

Save and archive.

customers service.

Prepare meetings and arrange and schedule appointments and business.

Reporting skills, types and importance



Dealing with Managers

Meeting Management

Six Thinking Hats

Report Writing

Time Management

Effective Communications Skills

E-Archiving & DMS

ERP systems

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(Professional Master & Doctorate )