Tractability and Recall Program TractabilityFood Safety / Tractability and Recall Program Tractability

  Start : September 01-2024
  End : September 05-2024
  Trainer : Eng. Saad Hamad
  Course Fee : 800.00$
  No. Of Places : 6 Of 12
  Location : Apt #7 ,Floor 11, Tower 4, Empire Business Towers, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Tractability and Recall Program Tractability
The recall program is the safety net that prevents consumers from obtaining an adulterated or potentially harmful product. A strong recall program may reduce a food company's liability, while a nonexistent or poor recall program can be a death blow for a company.

who should attend?


Recent graduates from faculties of food and agricultural sciences


Project managers in catering and food service companies

Quality and food safety specialists

Field Supervisors

Health monitors


People involved in food poisoning and foodborne diseases 



Acquire the necessary skills to supervise and control food establishments

Raise the level of safety and quality of food in food facilities.

Reduce incidence of food and waterborne diseases and food poisoning by food establishments and promote

Preventive measures that prevent their occurrence

Acquire the skills needed to implement international food safety and quality regulations

Control and control risks to food and water safety

Concerted efforts between the Food Safety Consulting and Training Foundation and between specialists and staff In food and nutrition

Identify the most important problems that hinder food safety and health and find scientific solutions to these problems



Understand key terms and definitions related to product recalls

Use the Reportable Food Registry to identify product risks related to your operation

Understand FDA & industry responsibilities during a recall event

Use FDA guidance documents to ensure your recall program complies with regulatory requirements

Interact appropriately with FDA during a recall event

Apply regulatory guidance and industry best practices to develop effective traceability & recall programs

how can we help you?


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(Professional Master & Doctorate )